zero in on是什么意思
zero in on 的用法和例句
- The helicopter 's radar locates the target and the missiles zero in on it .
- 这架直升机上的雷达定位目标,而导弹零它了。
- To zero in on the nodule that imposes willpower hare and his colleagues scanned the brains of 37 people who called themselves dieters .
- 为了找准实施意志力的结节,海尔和同事们扫描了37位自称为节食者的受试者大脑。
- Although the understanding of acne treatments is pockmarked researchers hope that further study will zero in on the most effective answers .
- 虽然知道痤疮的治疗方法会留下痘痕,研究人员希望通过未来更进一步的研究在大多数有效治疗方案中完全解决这个问题。
- Your research will help you zero in on your options .
- 这些研究调查可以帮你瞄准选择。
- Just as important : follow these simple rules that will help you zero in on key risk factors for weight gain - and conquer them once and for all .
- 重要的是:遵循这些简单的规则会帮助你在主要的风险因素上零体重增加继而一次性战胜他们全部。
- Of course you will want to double check the ability of each to zero in on your specific audience .
- 当然你会想核对能力为零你们每一特定听众.
- Modern military aircraft use computers to help them zero in on their targets .
- 现代军用飞机使用计算机来帮助瞄准目标。
- You 'll also need to zero in on what you intend to use the dog for .
- 您还需要什零你打算利用狗的。
- Zero in on the key issues for discussion .
- 把注意力集中到讨论的关键问题上来。
- Zero in on your strengths not your weaknesses .
- 集中发挥你的强项而不是你的弱项。
以上就是短语栏目关于zero in on的相关内容,如有错漏请向我们反馈。